
Poison Oak

Poison oak, some boyhood bravery
When the telephone was a tin can on a string
And I fell asleep with you still talking to me
You said you weren't afraid to die

In polaroids you were dressed in women's clothes
Were you made ashamed, why'd you lock them in a drawer?
Well, I don't think that I ever loved you more

Than when you turned away, when you slammed the door
When you stole the car and drove towards Mexico
And you wrote bad checks just to feel your arm
I was young enough, I still believed in war

Well let the poets cry themselves to sleep
And all their tearful words will turn back into steam

But me, I'm a single cell on the serpent's tongue
There's a muddy field where a garden was
And I'm glad you got away but I'm still stuck out here
My clothes are soaking wet from your brother's tears

And I never thought this life was possible
You're the yellow bird that I've been waiting for

The end of paralysis, I was a statuette
Now I'm drunk as hell on a piano bench
And when I press the keys it all gets reversed
The sound of loneliness
makes me happier.

Fotografía: Currículum, de añoño

6 comentarios:

Angus Scrimm dijo...

Hay caras donde se observa el recorrido de la vida, la de este hombre impresiona por su mirada sobre todo.


Shinta Yagami dijo...

buena oda a la soledad, um me parece haber escuchado estas palabras en una cancion.

las arrugas son las cicatrises que nos deja la batalla contra el tiempo, no todas dolorosas, por eso hay que aprender a respetarlas y aceptarlas

Saludes y un abrazo

Nidesca dijo...

ok, paso a dejar abrazos, besos y bellos deseos.

tu blog es rayo de luz, como tú.


Anónimo dijo...

im also waiting for that yellow bird.

Gloria dijo...

No puedo oir la cancion pero las letras y las fotos fueron mas que suficientes. Alas amarillas reviviendo estatuas. Un abrazote.

Anónimo dijo...

Comos iempre te digo todo a su justa medida! La canciòn la letra las fotos todo todo juega tanbien en tu flog! :)
Cuantas cosas vividas se ven ahi!
Salud :)